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Estonia Citizenship

Estonia citizenship and a passport for wealthy investors can very importantly guarantee you safety and privacy in times of political unrest, civil war, terrorism, and in other delicate situations, when you look for the best to you and your family.

Second citizenship can be used as an effective tool for international tax planning, education for your children, visa free travel and so much more. Many wealthy individuals and executives, seek a safe haven outside their home countries, for various personal reasons. If you are willing to find out more on Estonia passport, contact Forsetico Europe now!


Forsetico Europe does not guarantee 100% success in acquiring passport of Estonia. Before we set out threshold of chance in positive outcome one must find out whether eligibility requirement is achieved.

By economic citizenship you can directly qualify for citizenship and passport without any residency requirements. However if applicant fails to provide quality assesment we may offer any one of other options for getting the passport of Estonia.

Naturalisation Investment Restoration Other

Citizenship by investment is not an option

If Estonia economic citizenship is not an option, you may find your solutions below.

Please read one of following options to find out other ways to obtain Estonia citizenship:


Forsetico Europe consult people mainly outside of European Union on various relocation matters. Do contact us and we may try to find the best option for your living and travel needs.

Immigration Residence permit Citizenship Visa Consultation

You can make your enquiries to Forsetico Europe lawyers.

Services and formalities at Forsetico Europe are as following:

You may have a motivation to leave your former countries of citizenship for a variety of reasons. Some of the reasons to find a peacefull living in Estonia may be:

Note! You wont be eligible for passport if you are not related to Estonia by soil or by blood and neither any sort of business activity within territory of Estonia.


When people cross national Estonia borders during their migration, they are called migrants or immigrants from the perspective of the Estonia which they enter.

Definitions related to Estonia

Estonia citizenship related terminology explained.

Immigration to Estonia - the action of coming to live permanently in Estonia. To come to a place or country of which one is not a native in order to settle there.

Undocumented immigrant of Estonia - an immigrant who has entered Estonia in an unauthorized manner (often as a migrant worker) and has no documentation.

Transmigration to Estonia - to migrate from one country to Estonia in order to settle there.

Extra immigration terminology

Terminology on citizenship that is partly related to Estonia.

Migration - an instance moving a place to live to another place for a while.

Exodus - a departure or emigration, usually of a large number of people.

Resettlement - the act or state of settling or the state of being settled.

Relocation - to move (a building, company, person, etc.) to a different location.

Displacement - the state of being displaced or the amount or degree to which someone is displaced.

Exile - anyone separated from his or her country or home voluntarily or by force of circumstances.